Participant Consent Agreement

I (the participant) agree to take part in this research study.

I understand the information provided below regarding the privacy of the participants and the data collected during the study.

What data we collect

The data we collect from SnapAppy includes the photo, category, description and geolocation of the entries that you log, your periodic location data, your mood reports and survey answers, and a log of your interactions and device motions when using the app. The data we collect from your login depends on which method you use, but can include your user ID, email, name, hashed password and profile picture. The data we collect from our website only consists of what you enter into the forms.

What we do with your data

Data will be stored in secure databases and servers. The data will also be stored on password protected computers/laptops owned by the University and the research team. The laptop hard drives will be encrypted in case of loss/theft. Only members of the research team will be able to access this data. During analysis, participants may need to be personally identified, however data that can personally identify a participant will not be made public. Other data used for publications will be aggregated and anonymised.

Who are the members of the research team and who is funding the research?

See the research team page.

This study is being funded by the University of Kent.

Who has ethically approved this study?

Kent Psychology Ethics of the University of Kent.

I no longer wish to participate

You have the right to opt out of this study at any time. Moreover, you have the right to access any information in the data set related to you, and request for any part of that data to be removed.